My name is Eric Arroyo, and I've been playing video games since my dad's Telstar Pong and Tank Battle Consoles in the early 70's. From there it was my Atari 800 and my first "if then, go to" to make font based Pac-Man and shooter games. Then came Intellivision, which showed that you could use more than just a stick and red button to enjoy a game. After that came 3D0 and man was that an eye opener to what games could be if they went from bulky cartridges to discs.
Finally, there was the PC game - and they were good.
Once I found out where they kept the art files... it was all over. I started (like most) with Quake mods and level design - even entered a few contests. But, I'm a car nut.. so my first actual website was for posting downloadable Nascar skins that made the race cars look like real sports cars (Ferrari, Porsche, etc). It wasn't until I got my hands on a copy of Need For Speed III that this journey into games really started. I came up with a way to backwards engineer the small handful of cars that shipped with the game and began to release my own fleet of cars that you could drop right into the game - even tuned and geared them appropriately -=you can search "Eric Arroyo Cars" and I'm sure you'll find a bunch of my OLD stuff still floating around the net.
Long story short // One day Electronic Arts called me, flew me out to Seattle for an interview, and hired me as their new car guy. It's been quite a ride since then - I went from EA and shipping Motorcity, to Microsoft Racing to prototype a new racing game.... ..which was canceled 3 months later.. the best thing that could have happened to my career!
My Lead at the time didn't want to loose me, and said "hey, there's this Halo thing in the works, and they could really use help - you interested in doing that for a bit, then coming back to racing for Forza?" Sure!
So, the Bungie guys really liked my stuff and put me to work.. 8month later I'd created 3 entire levels, most of the vehicles, even some characters - who knew, Halo 1 was a Mega-HIT! So, there was no going back to racing at this point - and I didn't.
So, Halo, Halo2, Halo3 - after almost 8 years it was time to see what else was out there. Now, I work on tons of different stuff, from kids games, to Ipad and mobile, even AAA Xbox and XboxLive. I have a wealth of experience in this industry (20+yrs) and I ain't done yet!
I often do freelance/offsite artwork from my home office in Duvall, Washington - but I'm also completely open to local on-site gig's as well, Contract or FTE. Please contact me for more information.